属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-HTC使用安卓系统 面临巨额赔偿的控诉
1 | 他似乎已决心痛改前非。 | He seemed to have resolved on amendment | |
2 | 应要求委员会对它要解决什么问题,每个问题的每一可能解决进路,都要给出说明. | Committees should be required to indicate what issues the committee was to have resolved , an explanation of each potential resolution of an issue. | |
3 | ||1:去年HTC解决了另一个关于安卓的赔付要求——它和微软合作,同意支付其昂贵的费用。||2:这样的诉讼可能还会出现,并且都会要求高额的赔付。||3:HTC的股价虽然至今比它的同辈们要好,但仍然从六月初开始下跌了近三分之一。||4:HTC会对美国国际贸易委员的裁决提出上诉,它也会以其他方式反击。||5:这个月它花了30亿美元购买一家总是亏损的软件公司——S3,这使它打赢了一个针对苹果的专利官司,并且也拥有了其他的一些专利可以用于阻击苹果的法律攻势。 | ||1:Last year HTC resolved another claim over Android, with Microsoft, agreeing to pay it hefty royalties.||2:More such suits may yet emerge, and prove costly.||3:HTC’s shares, having hitherto outperformed its peers’, have dropped by a third since early June.||4:HTC will appeal against the trade commission’s ruling; but it will fight back in other ways, too.||5:This month it spent $300m buying a loss-making software firm, S3, which recently won a patent case against Apple and may have other patents that will be useful in fending off Apple’s legal forays. | |
4 | ||1:物理学家约瑟夫罗特布拉特出生于波兰,比其他多数人都有更多的保留意见。||2:在无意得知曼哈顿计划将军承认这项计划的真实目的不是对纳粹先发制人,而是恐吓美国战时的盟友苏联时,他心感不安。当然,纳粹的原子弹计划也不了了之。||3:1994年罗特布拉特退出曼哈顿计划回到了英国,在那得到了已被占领的波兰的庇护,便从此致力于人道主义的事业。||4:罗特布拉特从理论物理转向了医用类,开启了自己极力反对核武器的人生。||5:他与好友伯兰特 罗素(英国哲学家)一道开辟了帕格沃什会议核裁军的道路。 | ||1:Joseph Rotblat, a Polish-born physicist, had stronger reservations than most.||2:He had been disturbed to overhear the American general in charge of the project admit that the real point was not to pre-empt the Nazis—whose own atomic-bomb project had got nowhere—but to intimidate the Soviets, the Americans’ wartime allies.||3:In 1944 Rotblat left the programme to return to Britain, where he had taken refuge from occupied Poland, and resolved to put his expertise to more humane use.||4:He swapped theoretical physics for the medical kind and began a life of vigorous opposition to nuclear weapons.||5:A friendship with Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher, led to the founding of the Pugwash conferences on nuclear disarmament. | |
5 | 除非30日内得到解决,否则所有协议(包括Tassimo咖啡机的协议)最迟将于3月1日作废届时卡夫将一无所获。 | Unless the matter was resolved within 30 days, Starbucks said, all their agreements (including the one on Tassimo) would end by March 1st and Kraft would get nothing. | |
6 | 去年,HTC也解决了一起有关安卓系统的专利问题,它同意向微软支付巨额专利费用。 | Last year HTC resolved another claim over Android, with Microsoft, agreeing to pay it hefty royalties. | |
7 | 在将近300个问题中,参与者被问及到他们第一次与自己伴侣发生性行为的时间,他们的性生活目前是否良好,和他们如何处理矛盾冲突以及他们考虑终结伴侣关系这种想法的频繁程度。 | Among the nearly 300 questions, participants were asked when they first had sex with their partners, whether their sex lives were currently good, how they resolved conflicts, and how often they thought of ending their relationship. | |
8 | 编译器是最好的伙伴,在解决依赖性问题之前它会提示错误。 | The compiler is my best ally since it signals an error until I have resolved those dependencies. | |
9 | 当脑震荡的症状消除后,运动员可以在监督下逐步返回赛场。 | Once the symptoms of a concussion have resolved , an athlete may begin a supervised gradual return to play. | |
10 | 摩根士丹利表示:“双方已解决纠纷,都感到满意。” | "The parties have resolved the dispute between them to their mutual satisfaction, " said Morgan Stanley. | |
11 | 如果工程师们能及时修复故障,试航工作将在当天晚些时候或第二天继续。 | The tests may continue later today or tomorrow once engineers have resolved the glitch. | |
12 | 所以我想,这说明所有的瘦子都很快乐,冷静,而且已妥善地解决了他们的恋母情结。 | So I guess that means all thin people are happy, calm, and have resolved their Oedipal entanglements. | |
13 | 我下了决心,纪念他的最好方法是努力工作。 | I have resolved that the best thing I can do in memory of him is to work. | |
14 | 无止境的峰会也许没怎么能解决欧元危机,却提高了德国总理的政绩。 | Endless summitry may not have resolved the euro crisis but it has given the German chancellor a political lift | |
15 | 一些人下定决心,每逢有敏感交易,就避免使用黑莓(BlackBerrys)和手提电脑,并避到海外。 | Some have resolved to eschew BlackBerrys and laptops, and move offshore whenever they have sensitive deals to do. | |
16 | 在理想状态下,奥巴马可以先解决朝鲜核问题再对付伊朗。如今他的选项不多。 | Ideally, Obama would already have resolved the North Korean nuclear problem before dealing with Iran’s. His options now are few. | |
17 | 在运动员的症状都消除后,他或她可以在监督下开始逐步回归运动。 | After a player’s symptoms have resolved , he or she may begin a supervised gradual return to play. |